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Boysco & Cocinero - Secret 2K20 - Beats Radio | Canada's EDM Station

Boysco & Cocinero – Secret 2K20


Following an inspiring moment, Boysco & Cocinero’s house mission is doing a temporary stop on the trance floor.

Driven by their musical roots reaching back into the nineties, this beautiful memory caught their attention and needed to be brought back to the dancefloor. The wonderful trance anthem “SECRET” by Absolom is Boysco & Cocinero’s first official cover version, and the two guys are proud and happy to have found a powerful sound-set for a catchy 2K20 instrumental version.    

No matter if you simply love the great 90s anthems of if you are missing the goose bump bringing melodies in current EDM styles – this track will make you smile.

For more info check out the download link www.plattenjunkie.de/index.php?func=view_news&id=3654

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