This mix is in honour of the black and latin community who where instrumental in
building the foundations of house music and dj culture, this music and lifestyle
came from the underground dance floors of New York, Chicago and Detroit
traveled to the major cities in Europe and ultimately to the radio in my childhood
bedroom to inspire me and many others for a lifetime. I am using my vehicle to tell
this story again because its an important story, a story that must be told again and
again so that others dont steal aspects of this predominantly black history.
Minorities and oppressed people from all walks of life found a way to express
themselves in underground clubs like the Warehouse and the Paradise Garage
with house music giving them soundscapes for expression and release, they where
shelters for the oppressed, another important element and story to tell. I hope i
am able to pass on some of the history and some of that energy to those who are
listening. Please enjoy the ride.
1) Mr. Fingers – Mystery Of Love
Larry Heard is seen as one of the most important figures in the development of the
Chicago house sound in the mid eighties, this record was one of his first recordings
later famously sampled by Kanye West who with that move made a beautiful
gesture regarding his Chicago roots. Heard began producing music in 1984 after
purchasing a synthesiser and drum machine. After a few days with the gear he
recorded Can You Feel It, Mystery Of Love and Washing Machine and pushed
forward an idea that changed the world. Larry lives and works out of Memphis
Tennessee where he mostly and always focuses on the next musical horizon, he
has stated he doesn’t like to dwell in the past too much an admirable and modest
thing to come from a man who has profoundly helped shape tomorrow 35 years
2) Adonis – No Way Back
Adonis, a conservatory trained jazz musician from the West Side of Chicago, is an
instrumental element to the rise and rise of the Chicago house sound, his tunes
have an ever evolving influence on todays contemporary music s, Rolling Stone
magazine claimed No Way Back to be one of the 20 best Chicago House Records
produced. I could not find much more about him online, i don’t know where he
lives and what his status is as a musician but this record ( and many more of him )
will always be the foundations of our scene.
3) Marshall Jefferson – Move Your Body
Sometimes known as the father of house music Marshall Jefferson is also one of
Chicago’s finest, Move You Body is the first house record using a piano and he is
one of the first dj’s traveling around the world pushing house music to dance floor
from as early on as 1987 where he and Frankie Knuckles toured the UK. Today he
lives in Manchester (in the UK) and recently re-worked this record with Solardo.
His career has seen many highlights including producing the first 2 albums of Ten
4) Steve “Silk” Hurley – Jack Your Body
Steve has a long and impressive career including 4 grammy nominations and
numerous remixes and productions for the worlds greatest and best, he was a
radio dj in Chicago in the mid eighties pushing house music on a famous radio
show called called “Saturday Night Live Aint No jive Dance Party” on WBMX, but
it was this record that truly broke all the rules and while doing so creating
legendary status among the rise of the genre. Jack Your Body was a number 1
record in the UK without a single play on BBC’s radio 1 and merely achieved this
from club support only. It is kind of telling about the energy that was going around
in the UK in 1987 and confirms the records revolutianary element. The record ’s
succes was a one off on that scale for Steve but he used the energy well and
created a great career on the back of it.
5) Todd Terry presents SAX – House Is A Feelin’ (Original Mix)
Released in 1997 this example of Todd “The God” Terry ’s insane skills is a
personal choice as most of his records are simply incredible and arguably this is
not the most important of his career, i had the pleasure of hanging out with him in
New York on one occasion where he showed me around the city, and i had the
chance to talk to him about his career, the scene and his incredible stories about
pop and house music’s finest moments. There is nothing i can add to his legendary
status. It’s amazing to see the world has found love yet again with him, seeing him
touring the world over and being as active as ever.
6) Todd Terry – Put Your Hands Together
see above
7) Hardrive – Deep Inside
Luis Ferdinand Vega Jr. needs no introduction but for those that need some idea of
the impact this man and his Masters At Work buddy Kenny Dope Gonzales have
had in the world of dance music i urge you to google him and be in awe of the
amount of classics and important genre defining records he has been a part of.
This record needs no explanation, maybe what does need explanation is that i
included this record in a celebration of black heritage and as he is of latino origin
( Puerto Rico ) i’d like to add that i actually thought before doing this research and
after i had done the mix that he was black. Either way dont judge me on this, with
Barbara Tucker on vocal ( and Erick Morillo! engineered ! ) it is a definitive master
piece that needed a place in this mix for me.
8) Cajmere – Brighter Days (Underground Goodies Mix)
Curtis Alan Jones is in my view one of the most important musicians in the last 50
years, if i had to make a top 40 he would be in it. Record label owner of Relief
and Cajual which till this day is as relevant as anything out there, With his Green
Velvet moniker he has created a mythical persona, he has embodied the DIY ethos
that our scene is famous for and in the process created more classics than most
producers ever will in 4 lifetimes. A social conscience man not afraid to speak his
mind against injustice he continuous his path with the dedication of a monk. One of
the greatest. This record is a classic among classics.
9) House Syndicate – Jam The Mace
I had to add Kenny Dope Gonzales in this hommage of our roots as he is also of
paramount influence on me and many in our scene, his records and ideas, the
people that he influenced all have been of instrumental impact to where we are
today. I thought it was important to note that he sampled Technotronic’s Pump Up
The Jam which was a Belgium act and therefor creating a sort of reversed energy
between Europe and America, sort of taking back a sound to its birthplace and
messing with it. Im sure im the only one who looked at it like that so you should
see this as more of a philosophical remark, im sure they just thought it sounded
dope.. which it did and still does.
10) Reese – Just Want Another Chance
Of the many things that Kevin Saunderson touched this was another revolutionary
moment, the use of that bassline was nothing short of spectacular. If we talk about
pioneers we often take their most successful (commercial) work which in Kevin’s
case is Inner city’s string of hits but i believe looking under the surface there are
many things to find that are as if not more important and one of them is this
bassline. I as a little kid in the East of The Netherlands heard this record and it
changed my life forever, it had this dystopian end of the world vibe to it that
attracted me at that time in my life, i had no idea what or who was behind this
record but it called me and that’s what a true pioneering work does. It calls you.
11) Robert Owens & Fingers Inc – Im Strong
Robert Owens is truly one of house musics original vocalists, here with Larry Heard
and Ron Wilson they formed Fingers Inc with Ron being the second vocalist. This
record sums house music’s freedom up in a few minutes of futuristic soulful
minimalism. Robert created many many more ground breaking moments for the
development of our scene, Ill Be Your Friend being a firm favourite of mine
growing up, that idea of togetherness was incredibly powerful at that time. House
music in my part of the world was looked upon as something for losers, gays and
idiots. This record gave hope, much of house music did.
12) Derrick May – Innovator
The legend that Derrick is, is undeniable, creating the techno classic of all classics
with Strings Of Live he has with that record impacted the world like no other,
maybe one of the most important electronic instrumental records of all time. One
aspect of his career is that he actually hasn’t done many records, most likely
because he knew that it would only undermine the power of Strings Of Live. The
record i included here is an example of how it could have been if he had been a
little more prolific ( no hate Derrick ! ) .. But this record is still so iconic and
timeless and its rare quality if you can achieve that more than once as he has over
and over again. Derrick dj’d in Amsterdam a lot in the nineties and i was a young
crazy fan on many of his dance floors where he merged ideas and vibes like no
one else. He describes himself as George Clinton meeting Kraftwerk in an
elevator. May he reign for many more years.
13) Frankie Knuckles – Your Love
Had to end this mix with Frankie’s classic ( with Jamie Principle on vocals ), if you
don’t know who Frankie Knuckles is and you are interested or have a career in
electronic music please go online and studie his music and career, i met him once
in Ibiza where him and Judy Weinstein ( his manager ) where having coffee at
hotel Ocean Drive on the terrace, i walked towards them and said im a big fan
and would like to thank him for his many achievements and making my life
possible, he looked at me and out of nowhere said, i know who you are, you are
Sander Kleinenberg and you are welcome. I, till this day, have no clue where this
knowledge came from but it gave me a moral obligation to always stand up for
the people that made possible what i do today because for all i know of the
world, there is no greater reward than to pave the way for something bigger than
you and welcome everybody who has a positive contribution to that narrative that
comes after you.
disclaimer: An ironic element to this upload is that it is free to listen too so if you
feel like doing something positive please donate to this great cause: https://